Install and configure an FTP server in CentOS 7.

With the open end we will follow the steps. First baixaremos the required packages . For this type :

# yum update vsf*

We’ll be getting new updates packages only FTP service, which in Linux is known as vsftpd .
Made the update will go to the next step , which is the installation of the FTP service. For this type :

# yum install vsftpd

To appear like the screen below , press the Y button to accept and continue the installation.
After installation we will have to start the FTP service. For this type :

Centos 6:

# service vsftpd start

Centos 7 :

#systemctl start vsftpd

Ready , installed and started the FTP service. Now we can perform tests to see the operation of the service. It’s time to create a username and password to connect to your FTP server , for this type :



# useradd test

Let’s create the password for the user. which in my case is test :

# passwd test

You will be asked for you to enter a password and click on you are asked to repeat the password. After that, we have created the username and password released to access the FTP server.

Now we switch to the user created . For this type primarily the following command to log in as user test :

# su - test

Create a folder within this user :

# mkdir Softwares

Remember that Linux is case sensitive, so if you type the first letter capitalized , remember to type correctly later.
Okay, now we need to know the number of IP address that is on your computer in order to make the FTP connection.

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