How To Install and Configure Bacula Server on CentOS 7

Bacula is an open source network backup solution that allows you create backups and perform data recovery of your computer systems. It is very flexible and robust, which makes it, while slightly cumbersome to configure, suitable for backups in many situations. A backup system is an important component in most server infrastructures, as recovering from data loss is often a critical part of disaster recovery plans.

Getting Started

The first thing to do after the installation is complete is update the CentOS using:

yum update

This goes through the update which takes a couple of minutes depending on how fast the network is.  You may be prompted to enter a “Y” at various stages of this process.
Installing Nano Text Editor

The next thing to do is install nano text editor so I can easily edit files.  I  find it much easier to use than vi so I prefer using nano.  To install this, I use:

yum -y install nano

Installing wget

Install wget because you will need it later in the installation process.

yum -y install wget

Installing Webmin on CentOS 7

After nano is installed, you need to create a new file called webmin.repo and save it in /etc/yum.repos.d/.  To do this, you can type:

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

This opens a blank file where you can type in (or copy and paste):

name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Once it’s pasted (by right clicking), hit Control+X and then Y then Enter to save the file.

Now, install Webmin GPG key using this command:

rpm --import

Now lets check for any updates by typing:

yum check-update

Now it’s time to install Webmin and we do that by typing in:

yum -y install webmin


After a short period of time, Webmin will be installed and it’s time to set it to start automatically by typing the following lines:

chkconfig webmin on
service webmin start

Webmin is now installed and running but we need to allow port 10000 through the firewall so we can access it from another computer.  In order to do this, type the following command:

firewall-cmd --add-port=10000/tcp

If you want to make this rule permanent, you can also type in this which will add it to the rules:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10000/tcp

If you plan on running Webmin on a different port, you can skip adding 10000 as a permanent rule and set it later with the port of your choice.

Now you should be able to access Webmin using the IP address you used to set up the server when you installed it by going to the browser and typing: (where is the IP of your server)


Installing Bacula 7 on CentOS 7

Now that I have Webmin installed and running, it’s time to install Bacula.

The first thing that you need to do is install epel.  To do this, go find the latest release for CentOS 7 and right click on it to copy the link:

Once you have the link copied, type in wget and paste the link…  it should look like


This will download the RPM and now you will need to install it by typing in the following:

yum -y install epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm

NOTE: the latest version may be different than shown above so be sure to change it if that is the case.

After the installation of the EPEL, Go ahead and do another update by typing in:

yum update

Now we need to create a file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory like we did with Webmin above.  To to that, we will use nano again and type in the following:

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-bacula7.repo

Now you will need to copy and paste the following into the file we just created:

name=Bacula backports from rawhide
name=Bacula backports from rawhide - Source

Now hit Control + X to exit and hit Y and then Enter to save the new file.

Once you have saved the file, verify that Bacula 7 shows up on the list by typing the following and hitting enter:

yum list bacula*


If you don’t see Bacula 7, verify that you did the steps above correctly.
Now we are ready to Install MariaDB and Bacula

Next you will install MariaDB and all of the Bacula files.  To do that, type in the following:

yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server bacula-director-mysql bacula-console
yum -y install bacula-client bacula-storage-mysql mysql-server mysql-devel

Once everything installs (takes about a minute or two), you will need to start the MariaDB database server by typing in:

systemctl start mariadb.service
chkconfig mariadb on

Next you need to run through the secure installation process for MariaDB which will allow you to set the root password, remove test users etc.  The prompts are easy to follow and everything should be Yes.


The default root password is blank to just hit enter and set a new root password.  This isn’t the password you will use for Bacula, it’s the root mysql password.

After you have completed this step, you will want to go to Webmin which you installed earlier so you can set up the database and a Bacula user for the database.

If you look under Servers, you will probably not see MySql Database Server because you just installed it.  You will need to go to Refresh Modules at the bottom of the menu and click it.  Now you should see MySql Database Server in the list.  Click it and you will be asked to enter the username and password for the database.  This will be root and the password you just entered when setting up the database.

Now you will need to add a bacula database so click Create a New Database.

Type in bacula as your database name for your bacula database and leave the rest of the fields default.  Note, the name must be bacula!


Now you will need to create a bacula user for your database.  To do this, go to User Permissions and Add User to add the user.  Be sure to set the Hosts to localhost and don’t worry about setting permissions.  Click Create.
Now you will click on Database Permissions and add all permissions except Grant for the user you created to the bacula database.  Once again, be sure to have the hosts set as localhost.


Now that your database is created and the user is setup, you will need to create the tables.  You can do this by going back to your SSH terminal and typing (note: add the username you created):

/usr/libexec/bacula/make_mysql_tables -u usernameyoucreated -p

Enter the password you used for the user.


Now we need to tell Bacula to use Mysql as the libary.  To do this, lets first stop the services by typing in:

systemctl stop bacula-dir
systemctl stop bacula-fd
systemctl stop bacula-sd

Now lets set Bacula to use the Mysql library:

su -c 'alternatives --config'

This should show you the following:
There are 3 programs which provide ‘’.

Selection    Command
1           /usr/lib64/
2           /usr/lib64/
*+  3           /usr/lib64/

Hit 1 and press enter to select MySql.

Now lets start the services back by using the following commands:

systemctl start bacula-dir

systemctl start bacula-fd

systemctl start bacula-sd

Now you should be able to go to Webmin and look under System and you will need to click on Bacula Backup System.  Don’t worry if it gives you an error.  This is because you haven’t set up the config yet.  You will need click on Module Configuration and set it up to use MySql and enter the login information you created previously for your Bacula user.


Click Save and you should be able to access the Bacula page where you can set up your Bacula System.


Getting Everything Working

Now that you have that part working, you still can not start any of the daemons yet since they are not set up.  You will have to go into each file and modify them so that they will communicate with each other.

If you try to start Bacula, you may receive the following message:

The Bacula console command /sbin/bconsole could not communicate with the Bacula director. Make sure the password in /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf is correct.

You can either use the File Manager within Webmin or connect to your server using sftp and look in the /etc/bacula directory and you will find the following files you need to edit.  I just drag them back to my desktop and edit them in a text editor.


There are a lot of passwords and IP addresses that need to be changed in there files so pay attention to and @@PASSWORD@@ areas and change them accordingly.

Be sure to catch the bottom of the bacula-dir.conf file and change the catalog database password to the one you assigned when you created the database user.

Also, look for localhost and change this to your local IP address on your backup server.  You don’t need to do this on the clients since you will be setting those up later on.  In fact, you can delete most of the test clients that are in the default if you wish.  I will post a guide on setting up all the configuration files later on.
Firewall Ports

In order to allow clients and consoles to talk to your Bacula server, you need to open ports 9101, 9102 and 9103.  The following command in your SSH console with open these ports.

firewall-cmd --add-port=9101/tcp
firewall-cmd  --permanent --add-port=9101/tcp
firewall-cmd --add-port=9102/tcp
firewall-cmd  --permanent --add-port=9102/tcp
firewall-cmd --add-port=9103/tcp
firewall-cmd  --permanent --add-port=9103/tcp

Now you should be able to start Bacula and see all of the Daemons are showing UP.

Installing Bacula-Web

Bacula-Web uses Apache to serve up the pages so you will need to install Apache and get it running using the following:

yum -y install httpd
chkconfig httpd on
service httpd start

Configure Apache to start at boot:

systemctl start httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service

Next you need to add MySql support to Apache by entering the following:

yum -y install php php-gd php-gettext php-mysql php-pdo

Install other common modules needed…

yum -y install php-gd php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-snmp php-soap curl curl-devel

In order for Apache to get past the firewall, you will need to open the ports by using the following:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload

Now you need to get the web files.  Go to the Bacula-Web website and download the latest version.

Save and unpack the archive to your desktop or another location.  We will need to modify the config file before uploading to the server.

Open the Application/Config directory and rename config.php.sample to config.php and then open it in a text editor.

Look for the MySql area and change the settings to match your server.  Be sure to uncomment the config settings be removing the “//” in front of the $config settings.  You probably just need to edit the password at this point.

//MySQL bacula catalog
$config[0]['label'] = 'Backup Server';
$config[0]['host'] = 'localhost';
$config[0]['login'] = 'bacula';
$config[0]['password'] = 'verystrongpassword';
$config[0]['db_name'] = 'bacula';
$config[0]['db_type'] = 'mysql';
$config[0]['db_port'] = '3306';

After you have saved the config file, you need to upload the files to your server under the /var/www/ directory.  You can SFTP to your server using FileZilla and the IP of your server.   If this server is only serving as a backup server, you can upload the files into the root HTML directory, otherwise you can put the files in whatever directory you wish.   Go ahead and upload the files now.


Now you will need to modify the php.ini file so it has the correct time zone for your system.  Since you already have the FTP up, browse to /etc/php.ini and copy if over to your desktop and them open it in a text editor.  Do a search for “date.timezone” which should be around line 878.  You can find the different time zones available by going to:


Make the change and save the file then re-upload it to the server.

Now you need to go into SELINUX and change the settings to PERMISSIVE.  In order to do this, exit the config file for SELINUX:

nano /etc/selinux/config

Change if from enforcing to permissive and hit Control + X then Y then Enter to exit and save.


Type reboot

After the system comes back online, you should be able to use your IP address to access Bacula-Web!


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Install and configure an FTP server in CentOS 7.

With the open end we will follow the steps. First baixaremos the required packages . For this type :

# yum update vsf*

We’ll be getting new updates packages only FTP service, which in Linux is known as vsftpd .
Made the update will go to the next step , which is the installation of the FTP service. For this type :

# yum install vsftpd

To appear like the screen below , press the Y button to accept and continue the installation.
After installation we will have to start the FTP service. For this type :

Centos 6:

# service vsftpd start

Centos 7 :

#systemctl start vsftpd

Ready , installed and started the FTP service. Now we can perform tests to see the operation of the service. It’s time to create a username and password to connect to your FTP server , for this type :



# useradd test

Let’s create the password for the user. which in my case is test :

# passwd test

You will be asked for you to enter a password and click on you are asked to repeat the password. After that, we have created the username and password released to access the FTP server.

Now we switch to the user created . For this type primarily the following command to log in as user test :

# su - test

Create a folder within this user :

# mkdir Softwares

Remember that Linux is case sensitive, so if you type the first letter capitalized , remember to type correctly later.
Okay, now we need to know the number of IP address that is on your computer in order to make the FTP connection.

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CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 : Reset / Recover forgotten root password

In this post we will learn, how to reset / recover forgotten root password on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7). On RHEL 5/6 or CentOS 5/6 series , the method of resetting forgotten root password was same. In latest RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 this time we have found some difference in steps to reset the forgotten root password.

Earlier, root password were used to recover from runlevel in case the boot loader password is not set.

Reset / Recover forgotten root password on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Follow the given below procedure to reset forgotten root password.

Step 1: Reboot or start the system, edit grub2

Restart/start the system and on getting GRUB 2 boot screen, first press ESC key so that screen get stopped. Then press e key for editing


Step 2: Initialize the /bin/sh

Now in next screen, scroll down with the help of arrow key and search for any of these two keyword linux16 or linuxefi on UEFI systems.In our case, we have linux16.

Disable rhgb and quiet parameters in order to enable system messages.

In first screenshot you can see, we first scrolldown to line starting with keyword called linux16 . Now remove the parameter rhgb and quiet .


In second screenshot you can see, we have removed the rhgb and quiet parameter
Add the below given parameter at the end of line, to initialize the sh shell.


Now press CTRL with x keyword to boot the system. .


Step 3: Remount / root partition , reset root password and autorelable

The filesystem will be in read only mode, hence run the below given command so that you can write on filesystem

mount -o remount, rw /

Now reset root password with given below command

passwd root

Reconfirm the root password.

NOTE: In case system is not writable, the passwd tool fails with the following error:
Authentication token manipulation error

Now run the below given command for relabeling the SELINUX

touch /.autorelabel

Now restart the system. You can use any one of the command.

exec /sbin/init


exec /sbin/reboot


You will see the system is going to reboot and stuck for a short time. Just wait for a few seconds or minute. Keep pay attention that the screen is stopped when SELIUX relabeling info message appeared on screen.
After a few moment, you will see at the bottom of screen some numerical percentage is running. It states about the completion of selinux relabeling in percentage. After completing 100% , the system will be rebooted.


After successful booting, you can use your new root password for login into system.


That is all!

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Easy Samba installation on RHEL/CentOS 7

Samba is a client/server system that implements network resource sharing for Linux and other UNIX computers. With Samba, UNIX files and printers can be shared with Windows clients and vice versa. Samba supports the Session Message Block (SMB) protocol. Nearly all Windows computers include SMB support with their internal network subsystems (NetBIOS in particular).
With an appropriately-configured Samba server on Linux, Windows clients can map drives to the Linux filesystems. Likewise, theSamba client on UNIX can connect to Windows shares by their UNC name. Although differences among various operating systems (such as filesystem naming conventions, end-of-line conventions, and authentication) can limit interoperability, Samba offers a generally serviceable mechanism for resource sharing on a heterogenous network.
In this tutorial we will show you how to install and configure Samba server on RHEL and CentOS 7 linux.

Install and configure Samba on Rhel/CentOS 7
To install samba packages enter following command:

#yum install samba samba-client samba-common -y

Now configure samba edit the file /etc/samba/smb.conf

#mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bkp
#vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

and paste following line:

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server %v
netbios name = centos
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
path = /samba/anonymous
browsable =yes
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no

Save the smb.conf file and restart the service:

#mkdir -p /samba/anonymous
#systemctl enable smb.service
#systemctl enable nmb.service
#systemctl restart smb.service
#systemctl restart nmb.service

Add these Iptables rules, so that samba will work perfectly:

#firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=samba
#firewall-cmd --reload

Change permission for samba share:

#chmod -R 0755 anonymous/
#chown -R nobody:nobody anonymous/

Further we need to allow the selinux for the samba configuration as follows:

#chcon -t samba_share_t anonymous/

Now you can access the Centos 7.0 sharing in windows as follows, go to the Run prompt and type \centos :


Acesse \\centos


Now anonymous user can browse & create new text documents:


Secured samba server

For this I will create a group smbgrp & user rasho to access the samba server with proper authentication

#useradd rasho
#groupadd smbgrp
#usermod -a -G smbgrp rasho
#smbpasswd -a rasho
[root@localhost]# smbpasswd -a rasho
Retype new SMB password: REPEAT YOUR SAMBA PASS
Added user rasho.

Create a new share, set the permission on the share:

#mkdir /home/secure
#chown -R rasho:smbgrp /home/secure/
#chmod -R 0770 /home/secure/
#chcon -t samba_share_t /home/secure/

Again edit the configuration file as :

#vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the newly created samba share in smb.conf file:

path = /home/secure
valid users = @smbgrp
guest ok = no
writable = yes
browsable = yes


Restart the samba service:

#systemctl restart smb.service
#systemctl restart nmb.service

Now at windows machine check the folder now with the proper credentials


Open samba sharing


Create new text documents:image7

That is all!


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