Como determinar o tamanho mínimo de Quota para o Staging DFSR

Olá amigos, gostaria de compartilhar uma dica importante que acabei me deparando enquanto realizava a configuração de alguns servidores de arquivo. Durante a configuração de um ambiente de alta disponibilidade foi necessária a configuração do DFSR: (Distributed File System Replication), e tive vários problemas de replicação desde lentidão e até mesmo a não sincronização de diretórios. Pesquisando um pouco mais vi que a configuração de quota do staging deve estar bem configurada, caso contrario pode ocasionar problemas de performance na replicação.

Encontrei este artigo que trás a fórmula para o cálculo da quota do staging:

How to Determine the Minimum Staging Area DFSR Needs for a Replicated Folder

O artigo mostra que, somamos o tamanho dos maiores arquivos da pasta que será replicada e dividimos o resultado por 1 gigabyte. Porem a quantidade de arquivos a serem somados varia de acordo com a versão do Windows Server

  • Windows Server 2003 R2: 9 arquivos
  • Windows Server 2008 e 2008 R2: 32 arquivos

O artigo apenas fala das versões acima, porem durante minhas pesquisas não encontrei diferença para as versões abaixo:

  • Windows Server 2012 R2: 32 arquivos
  • Windows Server 2016: 32 arquivos

Nota: A replicação que configurei foi realizada entre 3 sites diferentes ambos com Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard somando o total de 4TB, levando em consideração a recomendação de calculo de 32 arquivos .
Os comandos a abaixo, devem ser executados dentro do ambiente do PowerShell com privilegio elevado.

Para somar o tamanho dos maiores arquivos, utilizamos o seguinte comando:

$big32 = Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | measure-object -property length –sum

Mudamos a pasta c:\temp pela sua pasta de replicação. Note que foi passado o parâmetro -first 32 que indica que este comando está sendo executado em um computador rodando o Windows Server 2008 ou superior.

Será necessário aguardar a execução do comando que depende do tamanho da pasta cauculada. Então, divida o valor obtido por 1 gigabyte com o seguinte comando:

$big32.sum / 1gb

Do valor obtido, arredonde a parte fracionada para cima.Exemplo, se o valor obtido foi 19,8 arredonde para 20.

Basta agora multiplicar o valor obtido por 1024 e digitar o resultado no campo Quota da guia Staging na janela de Propriedades.

Qualquer duvida ou problema só avisar.


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How to Enable Minimal Server Interface on Windows Server 2012 R2

Hello friends.

In the last weeks in my studies on Windows Server I found this feature in our servers Windows is in a cluster with medium to large can bring notes reductions of features such as memory and cpu.

What is affected when I uninstall the Graphical Server Shell?

In some cases, when you uninstall the Server Graphical Shell, Windows features that depend on Server Graphical Shell will also be uninstalled. In Server Manager, a pop-up dialog box will warn you about what will be uninstalled.

Methods of installation?

  1. Server Core – always installed and enabled; the baseline feature for all Windows Servers
  2. Server Graphical Management Tools & Infrastructure – functionality for Minimal Server Interface
  3. Server Graphical Shell – equivalent to Server with a GUI

How to enable the Minimal Server Interface in Windows Server 2012?

You can enable or disable the Minimal Server Interface through the GUI or from the command line using Windows PowerShell.

Using the Remove Roles and Features Wizard to Configure Windows Server Management Interfaces

Or to switch from a full GUI to a server interface using PowerShell, you must use the Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet:

Remove-WindowsFeature -Name Server-GUI-Shell -Restart

To change the minimum server interface to a full GUI, you can use the Get-WindowsFeature and Install-WindowsFeature cmdlets:

Get-WindowsFeature Server-GUI-Shell |Install-WindowsFeature -Restart

Important to remember that after applying these options the server must be restarted to validate the configurations.

Any questions or problems just look for me.

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How to Enable Access-based enumeration in Windows Server 2012

First you need to add the File And Storage Services role to the server and reboot the server.
Then go to File And Storage Services in System Manager.

Press Shares, select your shared folder, right-click and press Properties.

Under Settings you will find the Enable access-based enumeration-setting.
Enable it and Apply your changes.


To enable access-based enumeration by using a command line

1-Open a command prompt window on a server that has the Distributed File System role service or Distributed File System Tools feature installed.

2-Type the following command, where <namespace_root> is the root of the namespace:

dfsutil property abe enable \\


Thoughts and opinions here are mine.


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How to remove protection on OU in Windows Server 2012

Message:You do not have sufficient privileges to delete OU, or this object is protected from accidental deletion.

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Click on View then click on Advanced features.
  3. Right-click on the OU and select Object ta
  4. Uncheck the option Protect object from accidental deletion
  5. Remove the OU.

Remark: If this OU has AD objects under it, you will not be able to remove it if one of the objects is protected against accidental deletion.

Is a very simple solution.

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How to Create a Storage Pool with PowerShell

The three things that are required are:
The storage pool name
Which disks to use to create the pool?
The storage subsystem (Storage Spaces)

The cmdlet we use to create the storage pool is New-StoragePool. While the only
The name of the storage pool will be passed through the “FriendlyName” parameter.

The disks to create the storage pool on will be passed into the New-StoragePool in the “PhysicalDisks” parameter. Which are either pooled, or can be made even easier using the “-IsPooled” parameter (which will either provide all of the disks that are already pooled, or if set to false will all return
The Get-PhysicalDisk cmdlet can be run as part of the -PhysicalDisk parameter, or can be run previously and the results stored in a variable. If creating a script that will be reused, it’s advisable to use a variable, so that it is easier to read and understand.

Code below:


$disk=Get-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName PhysicalDisk16

New-StoragePool -FriendlyName Pool1 -StorageSubSystemUniqueId $s.UniqueId -PhysicalDisks $disk

That is all that is needed to create a basic storage pool. However, these optional parameters for New-StoragePool may provide some benefit.

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